My name is Hollis.
Artist, designer, illustrator, photographer, and copywriter.

I create visual solutions to communication challenges.
I’m a deeply-skilled, widely practiced design professional with about fifteen years of startup, agency, and in-house experience in web and print. I’ve worked with clients of every size in every sector – from high-growth startups to multinational conglomerates, from healthcare to alcohol.
I’m well-rounded.
I have instructor-level mastery with Photoshop, Illustrator, and inDesign, can sit at the table with clients and stakeholders, write clean HTML and CSS (or roll up a custom WordPress theme) run a photoshoot, build a 3d model, write compelling copy and headlines, create beautiful illustrations in traditional or digital media, or learn to do anything else that needs doing.
Here’s some of what I’ve done.
Let’s get together sometime.
Here’s my résumé. Check it out for a deeper dive into my work experience. Direct email and phone are on the PDF, or you can send one to
I’d love to hear what you’re working on. Give me a call or email if you want to talk business, or we could just chat about science fiction and cats.
Figuring out tough communications problems with other smart people is my favorite thing to do. I can’t wait to hear from you and work on some together.